Every Four Years

03 Aug

I will admit I’ve been neglecting my reading of late.  I currently have a stack of books on my bedside table that haven’t been opened in the past week.  Why, you ask?  Well, I’ve been watching the Olympics…a lot.  You might say I’m a bit of a fan.  I’ve missed plans with friends, skipped the gym, and hurried home from work, all so I could watch the U.S. women’s gymnastics team win gold and see Michael Phelps win his 19th medal.  The other night I stayed up until 1 a.m. to watch weightlifting.  I’m happy watching almost any Olympic sport – even water polo, about which I know nothing. 

I’m not quite sure why I love the Olympics so much.  A lot of my friends just don’t understand it.  Perhaps it’s the fact that I love to see people at the top of their game, competing against the world’s best.  Plus, it also brings out my unabashedly patriotic side – I love to see Americans win those medals.  And I enjoy seeing the parents of these athletes as they watch their children compete – so anxious and so proud.  I also can’t resist any touching story of an athlete beating ridiculous odds to make it to the Olympics.  This kind of competition often brings out the best in people – they are often more gracious, more humble, and more grateful.    

We’re showing the Olympics at the library, back in the Teen Room.  Here is the schedule.  If you want to beat the heat and relax in a nice air-conditioned room, we hope you’ll join us.  If you want to get into the spirit of the Games, check out our new display of sports books and movies by the Information Desk!

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Posted by on August 3, 2012 in Uncategorized


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